Protect the value of your property

Richard Max & Co can help you protect your property assets in a number of ways.

Responding effectively to detrimental applicationsProtecting assets 3

The value of your business or property can be put at risk by other planning applications. Where objections can be raised on planning grounds Richard Max & Co can help you reduce this threat either by arguing that planning permission should be refused or, if granted, subject to appropriate conditions.

Our understanding both of planning law, as well as national and local planning policy, allows us to present technically sound arguments. We will develop a detached, independent and objective case and, as a consequence, take the emotion and subjectivity out of the debate.

See case study 1 »


Dealing efficiently with Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs)

Protecting assets 4

Once a CPO has been served it is the start of a legal process and, to protect your position, you need to instruct a specialist lawyer. The CPO starts a legal process with a real risk that your property will be compulsorily acquired.

Richard Max and Co can help you present a written statement objecting to the CPO on planning and land use grounds. This will give you the status of a statutory objector.

Should your objection be rejected we have considerable experience in adopting a defensive legal strategy that will mitigate your loss. We know how to take advantage of the key moments in the valuation process and, as a consequence, leverage adequate compensation as quickly as possible.

See case study 2 »


Document Actions

Case Study 1



The owner of a large agricultural estate wanted to object to a planning application for a car repair workshop in new buildings on a neighbouring farm. The estate was in open countryside in an Area of Outstanding National Beauty.

Role of Richard Max

Analysis of the national plan identified "inappropriate use in a rural location"

Written objection lodged within correct timescale and representations made to Local Authority


Application refused

Case Study 2


A rural land owner received a CPO for a swathe of land through the middle of its estate relating to a major national highways project. Since the project was deemed unstoppable, the real battle was about valuation.

Role of Richard Max

Developed a strategy designed to get the Acquiring Authority's early attention and to recognise that the land owner would fight.

Recommended tactic of shortening the CPO process by going straight to the Lands Tribunal.


Generous settlement agreed early without the expense of litigation.

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