
Dealing with enforcement issues

If any type of Enforcement Notice is served, your client must act quickly. They are the start of a legal process and you need to instruct a specialist lawyer, since a failure to comply will lead to criminal proceedings.

Richard Max & Co can help your client deal with enforcement issues by

  • Establishing if a breach has occurred through an objective analysis of the site and planning consent conditions
  • Drafting an appeal to suspend the timeframe in order to submit a planning application or present the case as to why permission should be granted
  • Acting as an advocate at a Public Inquiry or in the Magistrates Court

See case study ยป

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Case Study



The owner of a listed building was served with an Enforcement Notice claiming an extension was too big and breached the conditions of the planning consent. An application for retrospective permission had been refused.

Role of Richard Max

Appealed against the Enforcement Notice in the appropriate time. Submitted a compromise scheme to the Inspector to show both good faith and sensitivity


Enforcement Notice withdrawn with no need for remedial building work

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